Commitments: 2017
I’ve chosen the word commitment over resolution because in my warped little mind words matter. I’ve resolved plenty but my success rate on those resolutions has been bleak. So I am employing the power of semantics to fool my mind. My commitments are as follows:
A whole lot more engagement on social media. Taking that first step, simply joining social, was a huge accomplishment but now comes the difficult step of being social. I’m great at face to face, in fact, I prefer it. Attaching some quick quip to someone else’s ongoing conversation seems invasive to me, like a man yelling out his opinion from a window at his neighbor’s dinner party, unsolicited and overestimated in value. Yet, I understand that the medium exists to share one’s perspective, valuable or not. Achieving a higher level of engagement is going to be very awkward for me but it is something I must learn to do and a challenge I look forward to tackling.
Create a schedule. I have a lot to do and all day to do it. The issue with that circumstance is prioritization. I am terrible at sticking to a schedule. I’ve developed a strong distaste for authority and the rigidity of a schedule stirs up that disgust. But I know creating and sticking to a schedule will allow me to maximize the time I have and do good work on multiple projects. Creating when you’re inspired is great but creating when there are no words is the mark of a professional.
That’s it. Two powerful commitments that I know can change my life and will directly determine my success. It isn’t about having a list of tweaks and improvements, it’s about fundamentally changing my philosophy and approach.
So I commit to you, the Universe, that I will be a much more active player on social media and I will suffer through the rigor of a schedule in order to take the next step in my evolution.
Here’s to 2017!